Mind Space Community Message
Profile Picture SiXXhu | Author
What if my partner doesn't acknowledge that I need to have boundaries between his friends and US? It is important to have our own space and time.
2024-06-03 14:27:41

Profile Picture Asish Pratim Borah | Clinical Psychologist
It is very important to have boundaries. without boundaries we are not respecting the other person. This might create fights as we might feel we are not valued properly.
2024-06-03 15:07:22

Profile Picture Asish Pratim Borah | Clinical Psychologist
It is very important to have boundaries. without boundaries we are not respecting the other person. This might create fights as we might feel we are not valued properly.
2024-06-03 15:07:52

Profile Picture Uma | Counselling Psychologist
Hi. You need to talk openly on this topic and need to respect each other's say.If not done on time may lead to serious issues between you two and other complications may pop up. Please opt for a professional help.
2024-06-03 21:40:03

Profile Picture Vandana Sharma | Counselling Psychologist
Dear Sindhu, discussing it with him is the only the way he may understand this. And if he still doesn't, you will have to maintain your own social circle and have outings with them. He may eventually understand or give in to the fact that you felt the way you way when h did not maintain the boundaries. If you still feel the need to talk or work on more tricks, connect for a session so that on the basis of his detailed nature, you can figure ways to maintain your space and togetherness
2024-06-05 10:09:59

Profile Picture Aishik Karmakar | Counselling Psychologist
It's important to address this issue in a way that fosters understanding and cooperation between you and your partner. Strategies that might help:1. Using "I Statements": This technique can help you express your feelings without sounding accusatory. Example, you might say, "I feel overwhelmed when we spend a lot of time with your friends because I need some time for just the two of us." Thus, focusing on your feelings and needs rather than criticizing your partner or his friends.2. Being specific about what you need in terms of boundaries. For instance, you could say, "I need us to have at least one evening a week just for ourselves without any interruptions." Being clear and specific can help your partner understand exactly what you are asking for.3. Relationships often require compromise. You could suggest, "How about we set aside some time each week for just us, and also schedule time for socializing with friends? showing your value towards relation and friends.
2024-06-19 20:51:57

Profile Picture Deepika Chouhan | Counselling Psychologist
I understand how difficult it must be for you to make your partner know about the concept of space. Now what his perspective is about space, might not be yours. Or are there any other insights that have made him act this way? The best you could do here is to make him realise how important individualism is in a relationship. You both can have different lives while being together and emotionally inclined. Being emotionally available to your partner whenever they need might help them understand about having space.
2024-07-02 15:17:26

Profile Picture Nikita Bhawnani | Counselling Psychologist
Hey Sindhu, its always better to have conversation about the issue when everything is good and you are having a good time. - start with asking why does your partner prefer having friends around - try explaining your needs without using words which are targeting a person - For example: you.. you alwaysyou never ..avoid statements and words which shows blame, our goal is to express our needs..not blameAnd if you feel that you do follow this already..then maybe therapy can work well :)
2024-07-06 21:35:50

Profile Picture Dr Sapna Zarwal | Counselling Psychologist
Everyone has their own importance in relationships.Be it relatives friends or anyone else however It is important to understand how much time is being spent by a partner with others.Balance is the key.For more in depth work on your relationship you can consult a relationship or couples counselor
2024-08-28 08:45:40