Emotional Intelligence Quiz

Boosting Your People Skills

We all know people who are in full control of their emotions. They're calm in a crisis, and they make decisions sensitively, however stressful the situation. We also know people who can read the emotions of others. They understand what to say to make people feel better, and they know how to inspire them to take action. People like this have high emotional intelligence (or EI). They have strong relationships, and they manage difficult situations calmly and effectively. They're also likely to be resilient in the face of adversity. So, how emotionally intelligent are you, and how can you develop further? Find out!

Evaluate each statement as you actually are, rather than as you think you should be.


This test is not a substitute for any professional advice/diagnosis. Please do not self-diagnose yourself on the basis of the scores obtained. If your results indicate the presence of a mental health concern, please consult a professional at the earliest. A mental health professional will be able to do a detailed assessment and discuss ways to feel better.