Its been six years of love marriage now suddenly my husband does not have physical contact . Its been 5 month since the argument started it even to divorce discussion. Familes got involved of both parties. He says it due to lack of care in me for a few in
2024-05-13 15:12:20

I understand how difficult it must be right now for you to analyse. There would be certain things which needs to be indentified which has led to these outcomes and work on the same. Counselling sessions would help identify these triggers and also help you how to solve them.
2024-05-13 22:55:41

From what you shared I understood that your relationship has a conflict, sence you didn't provide more details, it's difficult to get conclusion. However I appreciate you that you want to sort out your problem and ready seek a professional help. Most of the times conflict in relationship comes due to miscommunication, misconceptions and misperceptions. Try to have a non judgemental conversation about your conflict, try to clear your (both side) misconceptions and understand your perceptions because different people have different conceptions. It's better to attend couple therapy sessions to rebuild your relationship (if you both willing to continue the relationship or want to sort out the conflict).
2024-05-13 23:36:10

Understandably, you're feeling distressed about the sudden change in your relationship. Here are some steps to consider:1. **Open Communication**: Engage in a calm and honest conversation about his feelings and yours with your husband. Please make sure both of you are heard.2. **Identify the Root Cause**: Explore deeper issues affecting your relationship. This might include stress, unmet expectations, or emotional disconnect.3. **Seek Professional Help**: Consider couples therapy. A neutral third party can facilitate healthier communication and help address underlying issues.4. **Self-Reflection**: Reflect on the feedback regarding the perceived lack of care. Identify areas for personal growth and demonstrate genuine efforts to improve.5. **Rebuild Intimacy**: Gradually work on rebuilding physical and emotional intimacy. Start with small gestures of affection and create opportunities for positive interactions.
2024-05-14 12:37:41

Dear __Marriages come to a stage of slight monotony and boredom after a point, whether love or arranged. The intent should be to lead life like friends-united, compatible and connected. Try not to give up, you could also be wrong or expecting more, do reality by connecting for a session. Take care
2024-05-16 10:04:55

Hi.You both need to sit and discuss it not fight over it.Kindly proceed for a marriage counselor. Because divorce is not the only solution for it.
2024-05-23 21:21:24

Every man every marriage goes through these ups and Downs.That's when we realize that we need to put little more effort in our relationshipI understand your situation and what you must be going through.In your case you and your partner must meet a couple's counselor to get an unbiased approach which you will not be able to get from friends or relatives.This is not a very major problem.Definitely.A couple's councilor can help you.Happy healing
2024-08-28 08:47:47